Concise Minutes - Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - The Senedd

Meeting date: Monday, 18 June 2018

Meeting time: 14.30 - 15.17
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Mick Antoniw AM (Chair)

Mandy Jones AM

Dai Lloyd AM

David Melding AM


Committee Staff:

P Gareth Williams (Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Second Clerk)

Ruth Hatton (Deputy Clerk)

Alys Thomas (Researcher)

Lisa Salkeld (Legal Adviser)



1       Introduction, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest



2       Instruments that raise issues to be reported to the Assembly under Standing Order 21.2 or 21.3



2.1   SL(5)225 - The Education (Postgraduate Doctoral Degree Loans) (Wales) Regulations 2018

The Committee considered the instrument along with the Government response and reports to the Assembly in line with the points identified.



3       Papers to note relating to Statutory Instruments



3.1   SL(5)226 - The Law Derived from the European Union (Wales) Act 2018 (Repeal) Regulations 2018

The Committee noted the Regulations and the enhanced procedure for scrutiny of them. The Committee agreed to consider the Regulations in the Autumn.



3.2   SL(5)220 - The Sea Fishing (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2018

The Committee noted the Government response which was received after initial consideration of the Regulations at the 11 June meeting and agreed to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs.



4       Papers to note



4.1   Welsh Government Evidence to the Commission on Justice in Wales

The Committee noted the evidence from the Welsh Government to the Justice Committee and agreed to submit evidence to the Justice Commission.



4.2   Letter from the Counsel General: Implementation of Law Commission Proposals

The Committee noted the letter from the Counsel General.



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

The motion was agreed.



6       Childcare Funding (Wales) Bill: Draft Report

The Committee considered the draft report and agreed to consider a revised version at the next meeting.



7       UK governance post-Brexit: Draft Inter-Institutional Agreement

The Committee considered the draft agreement and agreed to reconsider at a future meeting.



8       EU (Withdrawal) Bill: Update

The Committee noted the update.



9       Amendments to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

The Committee noted the letter from the Llywydd.
